
“This is the meaning of suffering, which is truly supernatural and at the same time human. It is supernatural because it is rooted in the divine mystery of the Redemption of the world, and it is likewise deeply human, because in it the person discovers himself, his own humanity, his own dignity, his own mission”. 

St. John Paul II, Salvifici Doloris, 31

The Dicastery promotes and encourages just and integral health care. It supports the initiatives of Dioceses, Eparchies, Institutes of Consecrated Life, Societies of Apostolic Life, Caritas and lay associations in seeking to prevent the marginalization of the sick and disabled, and to overcome the lack of care due to shortages of staff, hospital equipment or the supply of medicines to poor countries. It also devotes attention to the lack of research in the fight against disease.  (PE, art.171).

12 November 2018

Message for the World Antibiotic Awareness Week 2018

02 August 2018

GMO: Threat or hope?

28 June 2018

Consacrated women in the world of health

28 June 2018

Church, drugs and addictions

21 June 2018

The Oceans, Caring for a common heritage, 04.07.17

21 June 2018

The Human Rights to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation, Geneva, 14.09.17

21 June 2018

The Contribution of Laudato Si’ to Catholic Social Doctrine, Taizé, 23.09.17