The Christian knows that in the social doctrine of the Church can be found the principles for reflection, the criteria for judgment and the directives for action which are the starting point for the promotion of an integral and solidary humanism.

Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, 7

Papal Magisterium

Magisterium includes all the teachings of the Church; with it the Church preserves and transmits the deposit of Faith, or the content of Revelation throughout the centuries.

All the people of God are called to know, preserve and propagate the deposit of Faith, since it is the task of the whole Church to proclaim the Gospel of salvation to all. In this section, a collection of the Papal Magisterium that inspires and guides the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development.


Encyclical Letters

Fratelli tutti, on fraternity and social friendship of the Holy Father Francis (2020). 

Laudato si', on the care for the common home, by the Holy Father Francis (2015).

Caritas in veritate on human integral development in charity and in truth, by the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI (2009).

Spe salvi on Christian hope, by the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI (2007).

Deus caritas est on Christian love,  by the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI (2005).

Evangelium vitae on the value and inviolability of human life, by the Holy Father Saint John Paul II (1995).

Centesimus annus  on the Centennial of  "Rerum Novarum", by the Holy Father Saint John Paul II (1991).

Sollicitudo rei socialis on the XXth Anniversary of Populorum Progressio, by the Holy Father Saint John Paul II (1987).

Laborem exercens on human work for the 90th anniversary “Rerum Novarum”, by the Holy Father Saint John Paul II (1981).

Redemptor hominis, by the Holy Father Saint John Paul II (1979).

Humanae vitae, by the Holy Father Saint Paul VI (1968)

Populorum progressio on social issues, by the Holy Father Saint Paul VI (1967).

Ecclesiam suam by the Holy Father Saint Paul VI (1964).

Pacem in terris on peace amongst all peoples in truth, justice, love and freedom, by the Holy Father Saint John XXIII   (1963).

Mater et magistra on the recent developments regarding the social issue in light of the Christian Doctrine, by the Holy Father Saint John XXIII (1961).

Quadragesimo anno on rebuilding social order on the 40th Anniversary of  “Rerum Novarum”, by the Holy Father Saint Pious XI (1931).

Rerum novarum on workers, by the Holy Father Saint Leo XIII (1891).


Apostolic Exhortations

Querida Amazonia, to the people of God and to all persons of good will, by the holy Father Pope Francis (2020).

Christus vivit, to young people and to the entire people of God, by the Holy Father Pope Francis (2019).

Evangelii gaudium on announcing the Gospel throughout today’s world, by the Holy Father Pope Francis (2013).

Cristifideles laici on the vocation and mission of the laity in the Church and throughout the world, by the Holy Father Saint John Paul II  (1988).


Apostolic Letters


Salvifici doloris on the Christian meaning of human suffering,  by the Holy Father Saint John Paul II (1984).

Octogesima adveniens on the 80th Anniversary of the Encyclical Rerum Novarum, by the Holy Father Saint Paul VI (1971).


Motu Proprio


Intima Ecclesiae Natura on the service of charity by the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI (2012).

Dolentium Hominum by the Holy Father Saint John Paul II (1985).

Apostolic Letter Stella Maris on the Maritime Apostolate by the Holy Father Saint John Paul II (1997). 


Other documents


The Charter for Health Care Workers, The Pontifical Council for Pastoral
Assistance to Health Care Workers (2017).

Gratissimam sane, Letter to families by the Holy Father Saint John Paul II (1994).

Il Vangelo della vita, Letter to all the Bishops on the principle of the intangibility of human life (1991).

Sacram Untionem infirmorum, Costituzione Apostolica  del Santo Padre Paolo VI (1972).

Gaudium et spes, Apostolic Constitution by the Holy Father Saint Paul VI (1965).

Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace 




Declaration on Euthanasia, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (1980).

Declaration on Procured Abortion, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (1974).

Dignitatis humanae, Declaration on religious freedom, by the Holy Father Saint Paul VI (1965).




Instruction on prayers for healing, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (2000).

Instruction Donum vitae on respect for human life in its origin and on the dignity of procreation, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (1987).