The Undersecretary of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, Fr. Fabio Baggio, participated in Mexico in the National Dialogue for Peace and addressed the theme of “the Church and its commitment to peace and justice”.
This initiative was held from 21 to 23 September at the University Iberoamericana in Puebla, with the aim of “creating a space for a plural and inclusive dialogue around security and peacebuilding”.
The event was organized by the Mexican Bishops Conference (CEM), the Conference of Major Superiors of Mexico, the Episcopal Dimension for the Laity and the Mexican Province of the Society of Jesus.
Among those present were bishops, representatives of different religions, governments, farmers, businessmen, social organizations, academics, researchers, and victims and relatives of victims of violence.
In addition to the 1300 people present, the live transmission was followed by faithful from all the dioceses of Mexico.
Finally, this initiative was nurtured by the Peace Talks held in parishes, schools or community centers, as well as the conclusions of the Justice and Security Forums held in universities and social centers of the country, with the intention of building a National Peace Agenda to articulate local peace initiatives.