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People on the Move Magazine

The magazine of the former Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People (which merged into the Dicastery for Promoting  Integral Human Development, in August 2016) was published every six months, with two supplements, from December 1999 to December 2016.

It was born in continuity with the magazine "On the Move. Migration and Tourism", and preserved its spirit and aims: "to provide, in the measures allowed, for the spiritual good of the people who, with pressing waves, move on the roads of the world", as we read in the introduction to the text signed by Card. Carlo Confalonieri. 


A brief history:

The Apostolic Constitution Pastor Bonus of John Paul II of 28 June 1988,[1] in the context of the general reorganization of the Roman Curia, raised the Pontifical Commission "de Pastorali Migratorum atque Itinerantium Cura" to the rank of Pontifical Council.

The Commission was established by Paul VI on March 19, 1970, with the Motu Proprio Apostolicae Caritatis.[2] That body inherited, among others, the tasks of the Migration Office, established in two sections at the Secretariat of State, in 1946, and the Office of the Delegate for the Works of Emigration, created by the Apostolic Constitution Exsul Familia, of August 1, 1952.[3] This, in turn, had taken the place of the Office of the Prelate for Italian Emigration, established by a Notification of the Consistory of 23 October 1920,[4] under the pontificate of Benedict XV. [3] This, in turn, had taken the place of the Office of the Prelate for Italian Emigration, established by a Notification of the Consistory of 23 October 1920,[4] under the pontificate of Benedict XV. Even before that, Saint Pius X had created at the Consistory the Special Office for Emigration with the Motu Proprio Cum Omnes Catholicos, of August 5, 1912.[5]

But the intuition of establishing a unitary and central body to assist migrants of all nationalities dates back to Blessed Bishop Giovanni Battista Scalabrini. He explained the project to Saint Pius X in a letter of 22 July 1904 and, in more detail, in a memorial of 4 May 1905.[6]

Throughout this exciting story, the magazine "On the Move. Migrazioni e turismo" was published in its first issue in September 1971 and maintained its title until issue 47.

With the number 48, published in July 1987, he changed format and typography and assumed the title that still bears today, "People on the Move", so the desire to continue "to provide, in the measures allowed, for the spiritual good of the people who, with pressing waves, move on the roads of the world.[7]

The magazine collects, among other things, the Acts, speeches and communications produced during the Plenary Sessions of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People. Documents and Acts produced on the occasion of international seminars and meetings dedicated to the pastoral care of street children and to the pastoral care for the liberation of street women are also published. The magazine also contains the Acts of the European Congresses on Sanctuaries and Pilgrimages and of the international meetings in various countries on the pastoral care of tourism and pilgrimages.

HERE you can find the magazine until the edition of December 2010.

Here other numbers:

2011: N° 114, Supp. N°114, N° 115, Supp. N°115

2012: N° 116, Supp. N°116, N°117, Supp. N°117

2013: N° 118, Supp. N°118, N° 119, Supp. N°119

2014: N° 120, Supp. N° 120, N° 121, Supp. N°121

2015: N° 122, Supp. N° 122,123, Supp. N°123

2016: N° 124, Supp. N°124, N°125, Supp. N°125


USeful tools:

Index from N. 51 to N. 99 Suppl.

Index by topic  

IGeographical Index

Index by Authors


Summary of volumes from N. 51 to N. 99 Suppl:

N. 51-N. 72 ,

N. 73-N. 92 ,

N. 93-N. 99 Suppl.



[1] AAS LXXX (1988) 841-930.

[2] AAS LXII (1970) 193-197.

[3] AAS XLIV (1952) 649-704.

[4] Notificazione Esistono in Italia, in AAS XII (1920) 534-535.

[5] AAS IV (1912) 526-527.

[6] Archivio Generale Scalabriniano 3020/1.

[7] C. Confalonieri, “Introduzione”, On the Move 1 (1971) 2.