“Good politics is at the service of peace.”

Message for the celebration of the 52nd World Day of Peace to be celebrated 1 January 2019



“Good politics is at the service of peace” the theme for Pope Francis’ message for the 52nd World Day of Peace, to be celebrated 1 January 2019, was presented today by the Press Office of the Holy See.

Cardinal K.A. Turkson, Prefect for the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, and Monsignor Bruno-Marie Duffè, Secretary of the Dicatsery, were present.

“Peace,” states the text signed by the Pope, “in effect, is the fruit of a great political project grounded in the mutual responsibility and interdependence of human beings. But it is also a challenge that demands to be taken up ever anew. It entails a conversion of heart and soul.”

Click here for the message in English.

Click here for the interventions of Cardinal Turkson and Monsignor Duffè.

18 December 2018